Delivery & Payment

For the products from the "Grocery" category we have no order limit and it will be shipped within 2-4 working days.

Taxa de livrare este £6.49 în limita a 10 kg.

For the products in the fridge & freezer category, the minimum order is £ 60!

  1. Din momentul în care dvs ați plasat comanda, noi verificăm și confirmăm comanda prin email sau telefon. În cazul în care produsele pe care le-ați comandat lipsesc, aveți opțiunea de a selecta dacă doriți ca acestea să fie înlocuite sau nu cu produse similare în pagina de finalizare a comenzii. Comenzile plasate de luni până joi la ora 11:00 vor fi expediate în aceeași zi și livrate a doua zi, iar cele plasate de joi 11:01 până duminică, vor fi expediate luni și livrate marți.
  2. The products are placed in boxes depending on the volume of each order and we do not ensure that if you have fragile products they are properly packaged.
  3. If the order also includes products that require temperature conditions, we use special boxes that can keep the temperature constant (from -20 to 4 degrees Celsius) for up to 50 hours.
  4. If the click and collect service is used the handling and preparation fees to start are £ 0.
  5. Orders in which we have perishable products will be sent by courier using the next day delivery service but in some cases the packages can arrive in 36 hours or even 48 hours.

The delivery price varies depending on the area from which you order as follows:

- in the green zone delivery is £ 9.99 up to 20 kg and what exceeds 20 kg is charged £ 0.50 per kilogram and is delivered next day delivery.

- in the blue zone delivery is £ 9.99 up to 20 kg and what exceeds 20 kg is charged £ 0.50 per kilogram and is delivered next day delivery.

- in the red zone delivery is £ 9.99 up to 20 kg and what exceeds 20 kg is charged £ 0.75 per kilogram and is delivered using the dhl 48 hours service.

- in the grey zone unfortunately we don't deliver.

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