este un business cu suflet românesc. Ne ocupăm cu alinarea dorului de acasă a sute de mii de români.
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The most precious raw-dried salami in Romania, the Sibiu Salami from AGRICOLA means the ultimate indulgence for connoisseurs.
Prepared according to an authentic Romanian recipe from the meat chosen with the utmost care, seasoned with a unique mixture of spices and perfected by the flavor of the noble mold, Salamiu de Sibiu AGRICOLA brings you the perfect delicacy and refinement on the table.
Storage conditions: temperature: + 2… + 14˚C, humidity: max. 75%;
Shelf life: 120 days (piece) / 40 days (sliced);
Forms of packaging:
envelope, sliced 150g / 120g / 100g;
calibrated 300g, 470g;
uncalibrated, approx. 500g;
approx. 1200g;
Greutate | 0.3 kg |
Sediu operativ (procesam toate comenzile online)
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