is a business with Romanian soul. We deal with alleviating the homesickness of hundreds of thousands of Romanians.
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Why buy from us?
Baton de ciocolata cu lapte, cu umplutura de lapte (60%) Lapte pasteurizat (40%), ulei de palmier, zahar, faina de grau, lapte praf degresat, miere, unt deshidratat, praf de oua, cacao degresata pudra, tarata de grau superioara, agenti de afanare (difosfat disodic, bicarbonat de sodiu, carbonat de amoniu), emulgatori (mono si digliceride ale acizilor grasi), arome, sare.
Weight | 0.028 kg |
Sediu operativ (procesam toate comenzile online) 416 HIGH STREET B66 3PJ
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